It is the purpose of this series of web pages to display information about old Velasco,
focusing on the several forts built there in the 1800's, for research and educational purposes.
It is the purpose of this series of web pages to display information about old Velasco,
focusing on the several forts built there in the 1800's, for research and educational purposes.
It is a thesis of the author that old Velasco played a more significant role in early Texas history than is generally recognized today, and that efforts should be made to redress the situation by historical interpretation of the area, to teach locals and promote heritage tourism for visitors. So, extensive research into primary sources and others has been accomplished, with these documents being one small step in that direction. Believing that any interpretation should respect historical facts to the fullest extent possible, a detailed history of the Velasco area has been assembled. It could also be called a literature survey. In addition to this website, the work product consists of an illustrated narrative or “concept” report (available via links on HOME or MORE... pages) and also an image-heavy “executive summary” (as a MS-Powerpoint document). The latter is suitable as an audio-visual presentation to interested groups, who can request such a presentation by using the CONTACT page.